Thursday, December 3, 2015

High vs. Low Quality Hair Extensions

As a college student who loves to look fabulous while balling on a budget, I find MakeupDOLL's video on high vs low quality hair extensions very informative.

Purchasing hair extensions can be a very big investment but, if you buy right, can be well worth the money. I can testify with my own experience that cheap hair will not last you long nor will it be very flattering. High quality hair, however, can last you ages and keep your hair flowing like Beyonce's mane. My mother will probably kill me after reading this, but the best hair I purchased cost me $200+...but it lasted me far longer than the $40 bundle packs I previously experimented with, and it made my money stretch.

When MakeupDoll first began the video, I chose wrong about the high vs low quality, however, as she went along, it became almost obviously apparent which hair was the correct choice. Being someone who loves to play in hair, it can be easy to spot low quality hair, however, some brands are good at tricking people...even the "weaveologists". Fortunately, steps such as checking for short pieces of hair in a pack, shedding, texture, and dye can help us learn the difference between hair that is worth every penny and hair that is not worth a penny.

Stay fabulous,